How To Get Used To Progressive Lenses

Posted by Mitch Gantman on

When patients wear progressive lenses for the first time, it can take some getting used to. 

Progressive lenses allow you to have clear vision at different distances all in one lens: the top part of the lens is for distance vision, the middle area is used for seeing intermediate distance, and the bottom portion helps you see near, for activities like reading.

Your eyes and brain will need time to adjust to the different lens - so first and foremost, be patient. It can take 3 to 7 days of wearing progressives consistently before you get used to them. 

Here are some tips for adjusting to your new lenses: In the beginning, it is especially important to wear your new lenses for extended periods of time so your eyes and brain can learn the new way of seeing.

Take breaks if you begin to feel eye strain. Because progressive lenses allow you to see at all distances, they are to be worn all the time, not just when reading. Rather than moving your eyes to your peripheral vision to see something, you have to point your nose directly at what you’re looking at to see clearly.

Stairs can be tricky because you might be tempted to look at the bottom of the lens to see the steps, but because the bottom of the lens is optimized for near vision, the stairs will appear blurry. You will need to point your head downwards to see the stairs clearly. Over time, moving your head and eyes to the proper position to see will become second nature.

So don’t give up! If you have any questions or need more help with your progressive lenses, talk to us today!

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